Saturday, July 31, 2010


After having a great “Judy” breakfast we headed out for a day of sightseeing. We are staying in Ennis, Mt.  It is a tiny little town with the bare necessities that include an old fashioned ice cream parlor and a very nice campground.  It is only fifteen miles from Virginia City and is serving as our sightseeing base.

Alder Gulch was the scene of Montana's greatest placer gold rush in the spring of 1863.  By the fall of 1864, nearly 10,000 gold seekers crowded the surrounding hillsides.  Small settlements were so numerous and so scattered that the area was called "Fourteen Mile City."  Virginia City and its near neighbor, Nevada City, were the main centers of commerce.  Alder Gulch yielded an estimated $30 million in gold just in the three short years between 1863 and 1866.

Nevada City is an old placer mining camp 1½ miles west of Virginia City, Montana.  It began at the same time when gold was discovered in Alder Gulch in 1863.  It was one of numerous settlements established along Alder Gulch, surrounding Virginia City.  By 1869, the population of the mining camp had fallen to about 100 people. In 1876, Nevada City had all but become a ghost town as the miners moved on to new finds.  Today, the town has been restored as an outdoor historical museum, linked by railroad to the Virginia City Historic District with numerous historic buildings, artifacts, and furnishings.

Before and after dinner we had three thunder storms and saw several rainbows.  The video below shows a double rainbow, the first one we've ever seen.

Here are two more rainbow pictures.

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