Thursday, June 24, 2010


After enjoying an omelet for breakfast we took off to check out the little towns we are near.  The sun was shining and a little breeze blowing that made a perfect day for driving and walking around.  Our first stop was in Coombs, a fun-filled village of boutiques, antique stores, art galleries and restaurants. The center of this small village has huge statues, looking like sand formations, in the shapes of Buddhas, dogs, giraffes, owls, etc.  Their market, Coombs Old Country Market offers international foods, imported gifts, in-store baked goods, a restaurant, and ice-cream.  They are famous for the “Goats on the Roof”, and we saw a few goats on one of the grassed roofs.

From there we headed to Qualicum Beach, a quaint little town with many gift shops, boutiques, and a grocery store where we picked up a few items.  The last stop we made was at a beach where we sat watching the ripples of waves with mountains across the water, some snow-capped, some not.  Very pretty! Then back to the trailer to relax!  Isn’t that what retirement is all about!

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